【摘要】 目的 了解民族地区中医院护理人员治疗性沟通技巧应用的现状,为相关部门采取措施提供依据。方法 对黔南地区各级中医院护理人员进行问卷调查,资料处理使用SPSS 11.0统计学软件。结果 年龄、学历、工龄、职称不同的护理人员治疗性沟通技巧应用的差异有显著性(P<0.05)。护理人员最希望提高治疗性沟通技巧的教育方式是短期培训,其次是专题讲座。结论 治疗性沟通技巧是最能体现护士职业价值的三大护理行为之一。应采取有效的途径提高民族地区中医院护理人员的治疗性沟通技巧,把治疗性沟通技巧应用逐步纳入常规的管理轨道。【关键词】 护理人员;交流;调查
Condition of communication skills applied by nursing staff in Traditional Chinese Medical hospital of autonomous prefectureHE Hui-ju.Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital of Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture,Duyun 558000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To understand the applied condition of the treatment communication skills in Chinese Medical hospitals nursing personnel of the race region,and to provide the data for the related section.Methods 200 nurses were investigated by questionnaire and analysed.SPSS 11.0 package were used.Results Compared Chinese Medical hospital nursing personnels age,educational background,length of service and professional title with regard to the treatment communication skills,the differences were significantly(P<0.01).The nursing staff hoped to raise the treatment communication skills by short duration training and a course of special lectures.Conclusion The treatment communication skills is one of the three greatest nursing behaviors to realize the ability body nurse occupation.The results suggest that the management section should apply the treatment communication skills into the common nursing behaviors gradually. ......
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