摘要:葡萄科白粉藤属植物中含有黄酮、萜类、芪类、生物碱、香豆素类,甾体等活性成分。文献显示该属植物有抗炎镇痛,拮抗内皮素1(ET1)和蛇毒(S6b)、抑制胃溃疡、抗骨质疏松症、抗氧化、抗菌、抗过敏、抗肿瘤、治糖尿病等活性。我国葡萄科白粉藤属植物资源丰富,应深入研究加以开发利用。关键词:白粉藤属;化学成分; 药理作用
Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities from Cissus L.
ZHANG Yeqing, XIE Yihui, HUANG Liping
(Jiangxi College of TCM,Nanchang 330006, China)
Abstract: There are many active constituents in cissus L. of vitaceae,such as flavonoids,terpenoids, stilbenes, alkaloids,coumarins, steroids and so on. The references showed that the cissus L. plants have some activities: anti-inflammatory and antalgic,antagonist effect of endothelin-l(ET-l) and sarafotoxin 6b(S6b),resisting gastric ulcers, antioxidant,antibacterial,antiallergic,antineoplastic and also in the treatment of diabetes et al. The plants of cissus L vitaceae are resourceful in China, so we should make a further study and development.
Key words:Cissus L.; Chemical constituents; Pharmacological action
葡萄科白粉藤属植物全世界有200种,主要分布于泛热带。我国有15种,主要分布南部各省区,主要包括毛叶白粉藤Cissusassamica、翅茎白粉藤Cissus hcxangangularis、戟叶白粉藤Cissushastate ......
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