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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2006年第2期

    关键词:外燥; 气象医学

    Theoretical Studies for the Outerdry in Weather Medicine

    DING Jianzhong1, ZHANG Liutong2, QIU Xingfan2

    (1.School of Medicine,Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 434000, China; 2.Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430061,China)

    Abstract:The documents and the theoretical studies about the dry and the outerdry were rare.The outerdry of the season and weather and geography were reviwed primarily in the article.The suggestion for the dry(outerdry)should consist to arrange and collect of the documents,establish the animal quantitative model about the season,temperature and moisture,and study the mechanisms of the model.

    Key words:Outerdry; Weather medicine

    近年来从气象因素、生物致病因子和机体反应性等综合研究六淫风、寒、湿、火(热)等病邪,结果显示确有其物质基础并取得一定进展,有的已达分子水平[1]。燥邪致病,《内经》罕有记载,但自喻嘉言著《医门法津·秋燥论》后,秋伤于燥才渐被公认。燥邪分内燥、外燥 ......

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