摘要:六淫燥邪及外燥的文献零散且研究进展甚微。从外燥与季节、气候并结合现代气象医学研究进展,提出对外燥的研究应包括:重视对外燥与气象医学理论文献的收集整理,探索建立外燥病邪的季节、“温度湿度”量化指标的动物模型,以阐析外燥致病机理。关键词:外燥; 气象医学
Theoretical Studies for the Outerdry in Weather Medicine
DING Jianzhong1, ZHANG Liutong2, QIU Xingfan2
(1.School of Medicine,Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 434000, China; 2.Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430061,China)
Abstract:The documents and the theoretical studies about the dry and the outerdry were rare.The outerdry of the season and weather and geography were reviwed primarily in the article.The suggestion for the dry(outerdry)should consist to arrange and collect of the documents,establish the animal quantitative model about the season,temperature and moisture,and study the mechanisms of the model.
Key words:Outerdry; Weather medicine
近年来从气象因素、生物致病因子和机体反应性等综合研究六淫风、寒、湿、火(热)等病邪,结果显示确有其物质基础并取得一定进展,有的已达分子水平[1]。燥邪致病,《内经》罕有记载,但自喻嘉言著《医门法津·秋燥论》后,秋伤于燥才渐被公认。燥邪分内燥、外燥 ......
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