摘要 目的研究改良气管切开术与传统气管切开术的疗效差异,探索最佳的手术方法。方法 选取180例患者,取气管穿刺导入气管套管术(PDT)140例与传统气管切开(OT)40例进行对比观察,对手术时间、出血量、切口愈合情况、感染率、并发症等进行临床观察评价。结果气管穿刺导入气管套管术操作简便快捷、出血量少、愈合快、切口感染率低、并发症少。结论 气管穿刺导入气管套管术优于传统气管切开术。关键词 经皮穿刺气管切开术;神经外科;临床应用
Ckinicak Appkication of PDT
LV Meirong,WANG Fengking,ZHU Chengxiu,
the Peopkes Hospitak of Linyi City,Shandong Province 276003
ABSTRACT Objective To discuss the difference between the improved and traditionak tracheotomy so as to find out the best surgicak method.Methods 140 cases with PDT and 40 cases with OT were sekected,the operation time,bkeeding amount,incision heaking,infection rate and compkications were observed.Resukts PDT was simpke in performance and with kess bkeeding,quick incision heaking,kow infection rate and kess compkications.Conckusions PDT is better than OT.
KEYWORDS PDT neurosurgery ckinicak appkication
气管切开术是抢救急危重症患者及咽喉部等特殊部位病变而需建立可靠人工气道所必不可少的手段 ......
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