Information resources programming to promote informational construotion of medical treatment in hospitalLianru Zhoua,Kun Wangb
Abstract With the information resources programming, combing the business process completely, building up the whole hospital information system function model, according to the concrete circumstance of the subsystem, the function mold piece and the procedure mold piece,one of such methods as follows was performaned:excellent turn,integrate,make choice of purchase or new development to become thus in the market competitive to have fast reflection ability and integrity of information system.The method of the information resources programming was:to comb business model with the establishment; carry on the calculator assessment to combine the establishment function model;use the function model.During the information resources programming in hospital,to comprehend the basic theories is the foundation;Lead the value is the key;strengthen the coordination is the main point; the appropriate control is the method.This artical still elaborated the valid development of the system construction path and exploration and use after information resources programming. ......
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