摘要: 严重交通伤因情况急迫、病情复杂而容易漏诊误诊,并造成不良后果。ICU在严重交通伤的抢救治疗过程中具有非常重要的作用。笔者概述了严重交通伤的ICU监护,包括气道管理、呼吸、循环、神经、血液系统等功能的监护治疗。关键词: 交通伤; 治疗; ICU
ICU monitoring of severe traffic injury
JIANG Dongpo
(Department of ICU,Research Institute of Battle Surgery,Daping Hospitial,Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400042,China)
Abstract: Missed diagnosis and treatment of the patients of severe traffic injury often occur for its urgency and complication of the condition. ICU monitoring plays an important role in the treatment. The author gives an overview on its monitoring and treatment,which includs the airway management,monitoring and treatment of respiratory system,circulation system,nerve system and hematological system etc.
Key words: traffic injury; treatment; ICU
严重交通伤多因应激反应严重,伤情变化极快,并迅速发生一系列并发症而危及生命,尤其是严重交通伤后引发的重症感染和器官功能衰竭,死亡率更高; 另外,由于情况急迫,病变复杂也容易漏诊和误诊 ......
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