【摘要】 目的 探讨老年性便秘患者采用中西医结合治疗的近期疗效。方法 在基本相同膳食的前提下,对自愿参与206例老年性便秘患者随机分为治疗组与对照组,共2组。治疗组104例,口服六味能消胶囊[藏木香、大黄、干姜、塞水石(平制)、诃子、碱花],莫沙必利;对照组102例,口服莫沙必利。2组均以1周为1个疗程。结果 治疗组痊愈为38.46%,总有效率为95.20%。对照组分别为15.69%,78.43%。2组总有效率比较,差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。结论 中西医结合治疗老年性便秘有良好效果,且无明显的副作用。【关键词】 老年性便秘;六味能消胶囊;莫沙必利
The recent effect of treatment by ways of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in patients with atonic constipation
ZHENG Yi,LI Jie-sen.
Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital,Dianbai 525400,China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the recent effect of treatment by wags of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in patients with atonic constipation.Methods Under the same diet,206 volunteer patients were divided at random into two groups-treatment group(104patients)and contrast group (102 patients).In treatment group,liuweinengxiao capsule(radix inulae racemosae,rhubarb,dried ginger,saishuishi myrabolam,jianhua and mosapride were taken.In contrast group,only mosapride was taken.The course took the same one week.Results In treatment group, the curative rate is 38.47%,and the total effective ratio is 95.20%.In contrast group, the ratio is 15.67% and 78.42%.In comparison with the total effective ratio of the two groups,the contrast means great.(P<0.01).Conclusion There is good effect in treatment by ways of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in patients with atnic.Constipation, and there is little side-effect. ......
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