摘 要:目的:探讨床旁临时心脏起搏在抢救严重缓慢性心律失常患者的应用价值。方法:严重缓慢性心律失常患者28例,均经床旁左锁骨下静脉置入起搏电极,观察心电图图形,判断电极位置。结果:28例患者均右心室起搏成功,从开始穿刺到起搏成功均≤15min。所有病例于成功起搏后血流动力学明显改善,经原发病治疗后心律失常得到有效控制。结论:床旁临时心脏起搏术在抢救严重缓慢性心律失常患者的疗效确切,是严重缓慢性心律失常或心脏骤停的重要抢救技术之一。关键词:心脏起搏器;锁骨下静脉;心律失常
Treatment of Acute Serious Bradycardia by
Using Emergency Temporary Pacing
YUAN Xiang-guang, HUO Zhi-cheng, WANG Zhi-ming, et al
(Taiping People's Hospital, Guangdong Dongguan 523900, China)
Abstract: Objective: By using beside emergency temporary cardiac pacing through left subclavicular vien without the direction of X-ray. Method: 28 patients suffered from chronic serious bradycardia and marked heamodynamic discorder were treated . The pacemaker electrode position in right ventricle and cardiac paceing could be estimated by use of superficial ECG. Result: All 28 patients were successfully paced. Period from puncturing to successful pacing was less 15 min. Conclusion: In this paper , how to improve the success rate of puncture , prevent misleading the catheter into subclavicular artery of vein were discussed. ......
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