摘要:目的:分析培养法检测肺炎支原体假阳性存在因素及探讨其临床价值。方法:使用上海第二医科大学上海科欣生物技术研究所生产的培养基对肺炎支原体进行培养检测,同时也对念珠菌进行培养。结果:460例标本中肺炎支原体阳性100例,阴性360例,肺炎支原体阳性率21.5%,在100例肺炎支原体阳性标本中再进行念珠菌培养,结果念珠菌有33例阳性,阴性67例,念珠菌阳性率为33%。经卡方检验P<0.01有显著意义。结论:在呼吸道感染疾病中,对肺炎支原体进行培养存在一定的假阳性,应同时进行念珠菌培养,为临床尽快诊断肺炎支原体感染,给患者及时有效的治疗提供较高的诊断价值。关键词: 肺炎; 支原体; 念珠菌; 假阳性
Analyzing the false Positive of Mycoplasma Pneumonia Culture
FENG Yun, YANG Zhan-pei
(The Women and Children's Health Care Hospital of Huazhou, Guangdong Huazhou 525100, China)
Abstract: Objective : To study the clinical value and exist factors for false positive of mycoplasma pneumonia by analyzing culture. Method: We deteced and cultured mycoplasma pneumonia from the Biochemistry Institue of Shanghai Kexin of the Second Medical University of Shanghai. Result: In all 460 specimen , 100 cases with positive mycoplasma pneumonia(21.5%), 360 cases with negtive ones.and then cultured monilial for the 100 cases with positive mycoplasma pneumonia. In all of them, 33 cases with positive monilial (33%) , 67 cases with negative one .There's significance different by Chi square ( P<0.01). Conclusion: It's valuable for the diagnosing of mycoplasma pneumonia by mycoplasma pneumonia culture as while as monilial culture for the exist of false positive of mycoplasma pneumonia. ......
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