摘要:目的 研究吡喹酮水凝胶栓剂经直肠给药后在家兔体内的药动学及相对生物利用度。方法 取家兔12只,随机分为口服给药组和直肠给药组二组,给药后采用HPLC法测定血药浓度。 结果 经3p97药动学程序处理吡喹酮水凝胶栓剂经直肠给药的药-时数据符合一房室开放药代动力学模型,其相对生物利用度为173.2%。 结论 吡喹酮水凝胶栓剂的生物利用度是口服给药的1.7倍,具有一定的开发价值。关键词:吡喹酮水凝胶栓剂;高效液相色谱法;药动学;生物利用度
Pharmacokinetics of praziquantel liquid suppository in rabbits
SHEN Xianling,ZHANG Hong
(1. Department of Pharmacy,Peoples Hospital,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430060,China; 2.Department of Pharmacy,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
Abstract: Objective To study the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of praziquantel liquid suppository in rabbits. Method A single dose of praziquantel was orally and rectally administrated to 12 rabbits in an open randomized crossover test. HPLC was selected to determine the concentration of praziquantel in plasma. Result The pharmacokinetic parameters of praziquantel were obtained by3p97 program and best described by a onecompartment model. Relative bioavailability of praziquantel was 173.2%. Conclusion The praziquantel liquid suppository has higher bioavilability than praziquantel solution in rabbits. ......
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