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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 2003年第4期
     摘 要 目的:探讨深圳市龙岗区坪地外来工亚健康状况及其影响因素,为预防亚健康提供科学依据。方法:采用统一表格对1 268深圳市龙岗区坪地外来工进行调查。结果:外来工的平均年龄为(24.96 ±6.10) a,其亚健康状态总体发生率为65.30%,男性亚健康状态发生率为63.21%,女性为67.91%,男性和女性之间差异无统计学意义。亚健康状态主要影响因素为:结婚与否、睡眠时间、工作时间、加班时间以及工作是否有压力和居住环境差等因素,而与吸烟、饮酒、文化程度等因素无相关。结论:深圳龙岗区坪地外来工中普遍存在亚健康状态,其发生较高且与工作环境、工作时间、加班时间有密切关系,故应引起政府部门及社会各界高度重视,加强对外来工的健康保护。

    关键词 亚健康状态;外来人员;影响因素

    Study on the subhealthy status of the migrants in Pingdi town in Shengzhen city

    WEN Haihui,HUANG Huiyan,CHEN Sidong,WANG Baoguo

    (1.Institute of Prevention and Health Care of Pingdi Town,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518117; 2.Guangdong College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510240)

    Abstract To study the status and affective factors of the subhealth in the migrants in Pingdi town in Shengzhen city and to provide the scientific evidence for the prevention of subhealth. Methods:1268 volunteers were enrolled in the survey and a questionnaire study was conducted,the data was analyzed with SAS8.1. Results:The results showed that the total incidence rate of subhealth in the migrants was 65.30%,63.21% in male and 67.91% in female,the difference was not remarkable(P>0.05). The affective factors of the subhealthy states in the migrants were the marriage status,the amount of sleep, work pressure and the insanitary working environment,while smoking,drinking and educational level were not relative to the subhealth. Conclusion:The incidence rate of the subhealthy states in the migrants in Pingdi town in Shengzhen city is high,the major affective factors are the environment of their work and the work pressure. ......

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