摘要:目的 建立头孢克肟缓释片释放度测定方法,评价其体外释药行为。方法 用紫外分光光度法和释放度试验,考察头孢克肟缓释片在不同释放介质中不同释放时间的累积释放度。结果 头孢克肟在288 nm处有最大吸收,在1.5~37.5 μg/mL范围内与吸收度呈良好的线性关系:A=0.0457ρ-0.0037,r=0.9999。头孢克肟缓释片在水、胃、肠液中1~16 h的体外释药行为理想,符合零级方程释药模型。结论 本法简便、快速,适用于头孢克肟缓释片的质量控制。关键词:头孢克肟缓释片;释放度;紫外分光光度法
In vitro release of cefixime sustainedrelease tablets
GONG Wei,LI Yuanxin,ZHAO Leilei,ZHU Shengshan
(Research and Development Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,Guangdong College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou 510240,China))
Abstract: Objective To investigate in vivo drug release behaviors of cefixime sustainedrelease tablets. Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometry and release test were applied to determine the release of cefixime in cefixime sustainedrelease tablets under different media and time points. Results Cefixime had the highest absorption peak at 288 nm and a good linearity within the range of 1.5~375 μg/ml (A=0.0457C-0.0037,r=0.9999). The release behavior of cefixime sustained-release tablets in water,artificial gastric juice and artificial intestinal juice could be best described by a zeroorder drug release pattern over 16 h in in vitro release studies. Conclusion This method is simple,quick and can be used for quality control of cefixime sustainedrelease tablets. ......
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