摘 要 以1992至2003年间的教育研究课题为调查对象,主要从立项数量、获奖情况、经费投入等诸方面进行了调查与分析,并提出了增强教改意识,正确处理教育研究与教学任务的关系、加强教育研究课题的管理、加大课题投入等若干建议。关键词 教育研究;课题;教学质量;经费
An investigation report on educational researches at our college
QI Ping, YE Zhiming
(Higher Education Research Office,Guangdong College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou,510240,China)
Abstract Investigation is made of the educational research projects from 1992 to 2003 at our college,and the main aspects such as the number of the projects opened,the status of their bearing the prizes,and the outlay invested are analyzed. Then suggestions are made to intensify the consciousness of educational reform,to handle appropriately the relationship between educational researches and teaching tasks,to ameliorate educational research projects’ management and to increase the outlay investment in the projects.
Key words educational research;projects;teaching quality;outlay
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