摘 要 有机化学实验进行纵深教学改革,可在强化基本操作训练的基础上进行阶梯式的实验进程,探索创新实验模式,为培养创新人才打下扎实的基础。关键词 深化改革;培养;酯化;微波反应;创新人才
A Probe into fostering innovative personnel by deepening experimentation reform
LI Minyi,WU Kunxian,ZHANG Qirong,CHEN Lin,ZHANG Jingan
(Organic Chemistry Teaching Office,Guangdong College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou,510240,China)
Abstract Deepening teaching reform on organic chemistry experimentation can proceed the experimentation course step by step and probe into innovative pattern of experiment based on strengthening the elementary operation exercises to lay a solid foundation for fostering innovative personnel.
Key words deepen reformation;foster;esterification;microwave reaction;innovative personnel
有机化学实验是药学专业重要的基础实验 ......
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