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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 2004年第4期
     摘 要 文本中所有信息都是通过语言形式传递的,阅读理解技巧也是通过一定的语言体系来体现的。本文拟就中、高级英语阅读中易于忽视甚至近乎不予涉及的这一语言体系作一探讨,重点关注的是语篇语言知识。文章详细论述了句与句之间存在着的各种篇章结构方面的语言联系,包括词义联系、句法联系和逻辑联系等。文章提示,教师应向学生系统地、目的明确地讲授上述语言特征,这与在阅读教学的初级阶段学生系统地学习单句语法知识道理是一样的。

    关键词 语言知识;语篇语言知识;信息获取技巧;语言联系

    Linguistic knowledge of discourse and the teaching of information gathering skills

    ZHANG Li

    (Department of Foreign Language Teaching,Guangdong College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou,510240,China)

    Abstract All information in a text is signaled linguistically. The successful demonstration of the comprehension skill must therefore depend upon a correct interpretation of the linguistic signals in the text. The purpose of this paper is to suggest that there are areas of linguistic knowledge which we have tended to neglect or even omit from our teaching in the intermediate and advanced reading comprehension class. Stress has been laid here on the linguistic knowledge of what makes a text a text instead of what makes a sentence a sentence. In the paper we have discussed in great detail the linguistic relationships of various kinds set up between sentences which contribute to the overall cohesion of a text,including lexical relationships of inclusion or hyponymy and equivalence or synonymy,syntactic relationships of anaphoric references as well as of comparison,nominal and verbal substitution and summary words,and logical relationships marked by the use of logical connectors. The implication which can be drawn is that the abovementioned language features must be taught to the students at the intermediate and advanced stage in a systematic and purposeful way,just as sentence grammar was taught systematically in the elementary stage.

    Key words linguistic knowledge;linguistic knowledge of discourse;informationgathering skills;linguistic relationships


    说到信息获取技巧,我们首先得区分两个极易混淆、然而却是截然不同的概念:阅读过程中所体现出的阅读理解技巧(comprehension skills)和应用这些技巧所需的语言知识(linguistic knowledge)。明确这种区别,无论对阅读课教学,还是对教学计划制定及测试都是极有意义的。阅读理解技巧包括解译文本字面意义的能力,指出文本主旨及其重要细节乃至两者之间关系的能力和识别信息传递过程,跟踪文本思路的能力等(Eskey 1971)。而这些能力的培养则是通过掌握一定量的相关语言知识来实现的。让学生指出某种技巧只能表明他是否已掌握了这种技巧,但这并未向他传授任何知识。如果我们旨在教授阅读而并非测试的话,我们的教材就应向学生提供有关语言知识,说明文本是怎样传递信息的。这样,学生不仅可运用这些语言知识来理解课堂上的阅读材料,还可用其来处理今后所接触的任何文本,于是,学生的阅读能力也就真正提高了。


    所谓语言知识,包括单句基础上的语言知识和语篇语言知识两方面。前者指的是英语拼写或音位体系知识、英语语法体系知识、语义学知识等。英语中有关这方面的语法介绍已相当详尽,本文不再赘述,但对语篇语言知识的强调却还远远不够。下面我们将通过对两个问题的回答来探讨这两种语言知识的差异(Cowan 1974: 389-99):

    Over the past century pollutants have been released into the air in mounting quantities. In recent years a good deal of attention has been given to the possibility that these may affect the climate of the earth as a whole.

    Question 1: What have been released into the air in mounting quantities over the past century?


    Question 2: What may affect the climate of the earth?

    Answer:(Mounting quantities of) pollutants.


    由于大多数教材都是以这样或那样的单句语法为基础的,因而我们用于中、高级语言理解材料对语言知识体系的介绍是不够全面的,学生所欠缺的正是上述语篇语言知识。迄今为止,他们所熟悉的都是在语言学习的初级阶段就应掌握的单句语法知识,而篇章结构知识仅仅是学习过程中的附属品,这在很大程度上妨碍了他们阅读理解能力的提高。为弥补传统语法在这方面的不足,教师在教授信息获取技巧时应充分强调语言知识的这方面特征,使学生对其重要性予以足够的重视。下面笔者将通过对一篇短文(Norris 1971)的分析来说明语篇语言知识在阅读理解中的举足轻重的作用。

    The dumping of massive and durable pieces of junk,like the hulks of old vehicles and abandoned kitchen equipment,has become a nuisance. This debris is a menace to the farmer,destroys amenities,and costs money to the individuals or the local authorities that have to clean it up. Hence this problem cannot be allowed to expand in parallel with growth in the number of vehicles in service or with the increase in the total amount of household equipment produced. Dumping of waste by people in this way is already illegal and prosecutions are brought from time to time. Moreover,all local authorities have established and advertised the existence of tips to which those who are not prepared to incur the cost of a special collection can bring bulky objects for disposal. Therefore,the solution appears to be in the further development of the current threefold approach of legislative penalty,improved public services,and increased public awareness.


    1.词义联系(lexical relationships)。短语massive and durable pieces of junk(第1行)以debris(第3行)和waste(第8行)形式被重复了两次,其相互间的联系称为“内包”(inclusion)或下义关系(hyponymy)(Twaddell 1972),如下图:

    一般 waste

    ↑ ↑

    特指 debris


    massive and durable pieces of junk

    语篇语言知识与阅读技能教学由特指到一般的写作手段是文章的一大特征,例如:wolf→animal→creature;Rolls Royce→car→vehicle。

    上例中另一种词义联系手段是对等(equivalence)或同义(synonymy)。massive and durable pieces of junk在文中以对等短语bulky objects for disposal(第12行)重复;同样,nuisance(第3行)menace(第3行)和problem(第5行)在文中也是以同义词或近义词使用的。

    很显然,阅读中的词汇难点不仅仅是生词本身的词义问题,同时也是给定文章中词项(lexical item)间所存在着的联系问题,因此,学生应在课堂上进行这方面训练。一旦老师指出文章中词义联系现象,而他们又亲自体验了这种技巧在阅读中所发挥的作用,他们便会在今后的阅读中更自觉地运用这种技巧来解决词汇难点,并对文本结构中的上下义联系、同义联系等语言现象更为敏感。

    2.句法联系(syntactic relations)。该联系中最显著的特征是前指关系(anaphoric reference)。第3行的this前指massive and durable pieces of junk;第5行的指代词this更泛指第一句中的the dumping has become a nuisance;同样,短语in this way(第8行)虽然没有特定的替代词或等同短语,但它却指代了第一、二、三句的全部内容,即如此成问题的倾销方式。另外,第5行的it指代了debris,而第11行的those则前指people(第8行)。

    代词性结构和指示词的使用只是连句成段中的两种形式,其它前指关系的句法手段还包括比较、名词性词及替代词和总括词(summary word)等。


    In 1970 there were approximately 16 million motor vehicles in Great Britain. This was 3 million more than that of 1965 and 6.5 million more than that of 1960. However,it is 4 million fewer than the estimate for 1975.






    (3)I’d like a vehicle which is self-propelled,has no running costs,does not depreciate,and travels at up to 50 mph.

    (4)I’d like one too.

    (5)So would I.



    First she boiled the water in a small pot .Then she added a lot of sugar and after that,the coffee. She let it almost boil over three times before she was satisfied that it was ready. The whole process took about 15 minutes.



    3、逻辑联系(logical relationships)。句与句之间或段与段之间存在着由逻辑连接词维系的逻辑关系。前段例文中的Hence(第5行)引出的结论,从逻辑上来看是由前面信息演绎出来的,Moreover(第10行)则引入新信息,而Therefore(第13行)引出的逻辑推论都是由全文提供的信息演绎而来。

    很显然,我们现在所讨论的连接特征和上述词义联系、句法联系是完全不同的。在考虑句与句之间或更大语音单位间的逻辑联系时,我们的注意焦点已不是文本中孤立的语言特征,而是话语形式(the sample as discourse)的交际功能(Smith 1973: 123-24)。换句话说,我们不仅要注意连句成段的语言手段,更要重视那些可以使我们识别一段文字所描述的是观点、强化、结论或其它交际行为的语言信号或话语标记(discourse markers)。这些通常以副词或介词短语形式出现的话语标记可由其实义或语义将其分类(Macmillan 1965)(见下表)。

     2. 附加

    2.1 强化。引进对前述的强化或确认。

    again,then again,also,moreover,furthermore,in addition,above all,what is more

    2.2 类似。引进对前述事项相类似的陈述。

    equally,likewise,similarly,correspondingly,in the same way

    2.3 过渡。引进信息表达过程中的新阶段。

    now,well,incidentally,by the way,O.K.,fine

     3. 逻辑顺序

    3.1 总结。引进对前述的结论。

    so,so far,altogether,overall,then,thus,therefore,in short,to sum up,to conclude,to summarize

    3.2 结果。引进前述的结果(包括归纳和演绎行为)。

    so,as a result,consequently,hence,now,therefore,thus,as a consequence,in consequence

    4. 说明


    namely,in other words,that is to say,better,rather,by (this) we mean

     5. 解说


    for example,for instance

    6. 对比

    6.1 替代。引进对前述的替代物。

    alternatively,(or) again,(or) rather,(but) then,on the other hand

    6.2 对立。引进对前述的对立。

    conversely,instead,then,on the contrary,by contrast,on the other hand

    6.3 让步。引进对前述的让步。

    anyway,anyhow,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,notwithstanding,still,though,yet,for all that,in spite of (that),at the same time,all the same


    The first thing that one has to realize about robot is that man is God for the robot--he creates the robot. Therefore,its good qualities are his fault,either way.

    Question: The word Therefore here means:

    a. Because this is the first thing one must realize about a robot.

    b. Because man is the one who creates the robot.




    1. 教师须指出学生在阅读过程中应掌握的语言知识。

    2. 教师应向学生系统地传授这些知识。

    3. 教师须向学生提供操练这些知识的机会。



    [1]Eskey,David E. 1971. Advanced reading: The Structural Problem. English Teaching Forum,IX,5: 6-14.

    [2]Cowan,J.R. 1974. Lexical and syntactic research for the design of EFL reading materials. TESOL Quarterly 8,4: 389-99.

    [3]Norris,William E.1971.Advanced reading:Goals,techniques,procedures.English Teaching Forum,IX,5:6-14.

    [4]Twaddell,W.Freeman.1972.Linguistics and language teachers.In Readings on English as a Second Language,Kenneth Croft (ed.) Cambridge,MA:Winthrop Publishers.

    [5]Smith,F. (ed.) 1973. Psycholinguistics and Reading,123-124. New York: Holt,Rinehart and Winston.Macmillan,M. 1965. Efficiency in Reading,ETIC Occasional Paper No. 6. The British Council English-Teaching Information Centre,London.

    [6]Macmillan, M. 1965. Efficiency in Reading, ETIC Occasional Paper No. 6. The British Council EnglishTeaching Information Centre, London.

    (广东药学院 外语部 广东 广州 510240), 百拇医药(张立)