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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 2004年第5期
     摘 要 目的 研究溶剂分散法改善小剂量难溶性药物的溶出均一性。方法 采用溶剂分散法制备含小剂量难溶性药物格列苯脲的复方盐酸二甲双胍胶囊,与采用格列苯脲微粉化法制备的胶囊进行溶出均一性比较,。结果与结论 溶剂分散法制备的胶囊中格列本脲溶出均一性优于将格列苯脲微粉化制得的胶囊。

    关键词 格列苯脲;溶剂分散法;微粉化技术;溶出均一性

    Improvement in dissolution uniformity of medicament with low dose and solubility as solvent dispersing method

    JIN Miaozhen, LI Xiaofang,HONG Hui

    (Guangdong College of Pharmacy, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510240)

    Abstract To compare the dissolution uniformity of glibenclamide in compound metformin hydrochloride capsules prepared with solvent dispersing method using microcrystallite as carrier to that prepared with micronization method. The result shows that the solvent dispersing method has an advantage over micronization method for dissolution uniformity of glibenclamide.

    Key words glibenclamide; solvent dispersing method; dissolution uniformity; micronization method

    格列苯脲(glibenclamide)与盐酸二甲双胍(merformin hydrochloride)的降血糖作用可互补,可显著改善2型糖尿病患者的血糖水平,两者联用的疗效比单用明显提高 ......

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