[摘要] 《黄帝内经》中论述了两千多年前听音辨人的理论和技术,即通过辨别人声的二十五种变化,施以不同的饮食调理与经络调理,从而达到治未病的目的。21世纪初,在基于纳米水平的细胞声学研究中,已初步证明细胞是可以发出声音的。细胞病变时,最先产生声音的变化,故有可能通过细胞声音的变化,尽早发现疾病。此发现与《黄帝内经》中听音辨人的理论,在生命研究的不同水平上不谋而合。纳米技术有可能进入中医基础理论研究之中,从而实现中医研究的现代化。[关键词] 黄帝内经; 二十五音; 纳米技术; 细胞声学
Possibility of applying nanotechnology to research on the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine
GAO YeTao, SHI ShanQuan, PAN HuiWei
(School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macao University of Science and Technology, Macao, China; Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Third Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200438, China)
ABSTRACT The ancient theory and technology which are related to preventive treatment of disease by dietetic regulation and coordinating meridian according to 25 tones have been developed in the early 21st century. It is proved in sonocytology by nanotechnology that cells are able to produce noise, and the noise will change at first when the cells have any disorders. This theory is in accordance with the one in Huangdi Neijing. The nanotechnology can be introduced into the basic research of traditional Chinese medicine and may contribute to the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. ......
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