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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2006年第7期
     基金项目:河南省科技攻关基金(0424410102)(河南大学医学院:检验系,中医教研室,病理教研室,河南 开封 475001)

    Correlation between vascular endothelial cell injury, platelet activation and functional status in type 2 diabetes

    WANG Fang, LIU ZhengYan, NIU BaoHua

    Department of Clinical Laboratory, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Pathology, Medical College, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China

    【Abstract】 AIM: To investigate the vascular endothelial cell injury and the platelet activation and functional status change in type 2 diabetes patients. METHODS: The plasma levels of von willebrand factor∶antigen (vWF∶Ag) and granule membrane protein140(GMP140)were measured by double sandwich ELISA. The adhesiveness of platelet was determined by Salzmans method. RESULTS: The plasma levels of vWF∶Ag(145.6±25.6)% ......

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