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http://www.100md.com 陈朝元, 何顺勇
顽固性功能性消化不良;情绪障碍;坦度螺酮;治疗作用陈朝元,何顺勇.顽固性功能性消化不良与情绪障碍的关系及坦度螺酮的治疗作用. 世界华人消化杂志2006;14(16)1635-1637,顽固


     陈朝元, 何顺勇, 福建中医学院附属人民医院消化内科 福建省福州市 350004

陈朝元, 350004, 福建省福州市, 福建中医学院附属人民医院消化内科. doctor_ccy@126.com

2006-05-09 接受日期: 2006-05-26

    Relationship between refractory functional dyspepsia and emotional disturbance and therapeutic action of tandospirone

    Chao-Yuan Chen, Shun-Yong He

    Chao-Yuan Chen, Shun-Yong He, Department of Gastroenterology, the Affiliated People’s Hospital of Fujian Traditional Chinese Medicine College, Fuzhou 350004, Fujian Province, China

    Correspondence to:
Chao-Yuan Chen, Department of Gastroenterology, the Affiliated People’s Hospital of Fujian Traditional Chinese Medicine College, Fuzhou 350004, Fujian Province, China. doctor_ccy@126.com

2006-05-09 Accepted: 2006-05-26


    AIM: To investigate the relationship between refractory functional dyspepsia (RFD) and emo-tional disturbance, and observe the therapeutic action of tandospirone.

    METHODS:Thirty patients with RFD were included in this study ......
