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http://www.100md.com 《包头医学院学报》 2006年第2期
     摘 要


    关键词 肾结石;ESWL;肾损伤生化指标变化;再次碎石间隔时间

    中图分类号 R692.4

    The Clinical Research into Kidney Injury Biochemical Index Change after the ESWL

    YANG Jianxin,WU Xiqing,ZHANG Yu,A Gula,SU Ling,YU Lichuan,BAI Gang,YANG Xintian

    (Department of Lithotripsy,the Third Hospital of Bao Gang,Baotou 014010 China)

    Abstract Objective:To study the change of kidney injury biochemical index after the ESWL and to determine the intervaltime between two treatment periods. Methods: To analyse and compare the kidney biochemical index through determining them before and after lithotripsy. Results:Serum, unine β2 microglobulin (β2-MG)and microalbuminuria (MCA) rose obviously in 1-3 days after lithotripsy. They recovered to normal gradually in 5-7 days after treatment. Glomerular function Scr、Bun showed no noted change. Conclusion:It is light injury that the low energy shock wave gives the renal tissue. There should be an interval of 7 to 10 days between two treatments periods or more ......

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