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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 2001年第1期
     摘 要 目的:考察不同剂量的脑泰乐片对动物体内血栓、血液流变学的影响及应激能力。方法:选择不同剂量的脑泰乐,通过测定大鼠体内血栓的重量、血清与血浆粘度、血小板的粘附率及小鼠应激实验数据,检测机体血液流变学状态和小鼠应激能力。结果:脑泰乐可显著抑制大鼠体内血栓形成,降低血液粘度、血小板粘附率;降低小鼠机体的耗氧量,延长小鼠游泳时间。结论:脑泰乐片可显著的抑制动物体内血栓、改善动物体内的血液流变学的状态并明显的提高小鼠的应激能力。

    关键词 脑泰乐片;血栓;血液粘度;血小板粘附率;耐缺氧;游泳

    The Effect of Nao Taile Tablet on Hemorrheology in Experimental Animals

    XIE Jingwen,HE Xiaoying,GE Xin,MA Huiping,REN Jun,LI Maoxing,LI Lin

    (Department of Pharmacy,General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Commmand,Lanzhou,Ganshu,730050)

    Abstract Objective:To observe the effect of Nao Taile tablet(NTL) on the thrombus,hemorrheology and stress ability in experimental animals. Methods:By determining the weight of thrombus,serumal and plasmic biscosity,platelet adhesion rate in rat and stress ability in mice treated with defferent dosages of Nao Taile,the state of animal hemorrheology and stress ability were determined. Results:NTL could inhibit the formation of thrombus significantly and decrease blood viscosity and platelet adhesion rate in rat. Meanwhile,it could cut down the oxygen consumption and prolong swimming time in mice. Conclusion:NTL could greatly inhibit the formation of thrombus,improve the state of hemorrheology and promote the stress ability in animals. ......

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