摘 要 用半经验(MNDO)方法得到了10种青霉烷酸衍生物,包括抗生素和β内酰胺酶抑制剂的优化构型,通过对它们分子的构型参数、轨道能级、电荷分布、化学键集居数等数据的分析,证明了对抗生素和β内酰胺酶抑制剂的药理模型的猜测。并通过对其各结构参数的分析,初步得到了各结构参数与其抗药或抑酶活性的定量关系。关键词 构效关系;青霉烷酸;半经验方法
Theoretic calculation and study on structureactivity relationship of penicillin
MEI Guangquan1,ZHU Feng2,HU Wenyu1
(1.Yichun Medical College of Jiangxi,Yichun,Jiangxi 336000;2.Department of Chemistry,Shandong University)
Abstract Optimized structure of 10 penicillin derivatives,including antibiotics and βlactamase inhibitor,were obtained using semiempirical method MNDO. By comparison of their bond length,energy level of molecular orbital,electric distribution and bond condensation with DAlaDAla,we have confirmed the presumed action model of the antibiotics and βlactamase inhibitors. The quantitative relationship between the structure and effect of penicillin derivatives was also obtained.
Key words structureactivity relationship;penicillin derivatives;MNDO.
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