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http://www.100md.com 《实用老年医学》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨≥80岁患者外科疾病手术治疗的可行性。 方法 对普外科收治的≥80岁外科手术治疗病人171例进行疾病种类、合并症、治疗方式和治疗效果的分析。 结果 795%(136/171)的病人存在不同类型的合并症;手术并发症发生率404%(69/171),共69例,123例次:①感染82例次(肺部感染33例次,泌尿系统感染15例次,切口感染16例次,其他18例次),其中真菌感染15例;②器官功能不全29例次(急性心力衰竭12例次,急性肾功能衰竭8例次,其他9例次); ③其他并发症12例次。手术死亡9例,病死率53%(9/171)。 结论 高龄不是外科疾病的手术禁忌,做好围手术期的处理及合理选择手术方式是治疗成功的关键。

    【主题词】 外科手术; 围手术期医护; 老年人

    Perioperative management of surgical disease in the elderly aged 80 and over ZHU Jianping, ZHANG Zongming, CHEN Yian, LI Gang, SU Yanming, HUANG Qingrong,YANG Junxiong.Department of General Surgery, the First Hospital of Tsinghua University, Beijing 100016 China;YUAN Jiong.Department of General Surgery,the Third Hospital of Peking University,Beijing 100083 China;YANG Tangdou.The Third Department of Surgery,People’s Hospital of Jiaonan,Jiaonan 266400 China

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the feasibility of the operation treatment of surgical disease in the elderly aged 80 and over Methods 171 elderly patients(over 80 years) who underwent operation were studied The types of disease, concomitant disease, management and outcome were discussed Results Of the patients ......

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