【摘要】 目的 探讨儿童情感性障碍与胎次效应的关系。方法 对47例儿童情感障碍患者的病史资料,包括胎次、母孕期状况、出生年月、出生时父母年龄及精神病家族史等进行整理分析,同时将有关资料代入Ha1dane和Smith(HS)公式,且以未受累同胞作对照,并进行比较分析。结果 无论样本总体,还是男性或女性,儿童情感性障碍与胎次的关系均非常密切(C值均>2,P值均<0.01,6A均>M)。结论 胎次越高,发生儿童情感性障碍的可能性越大。注重优生优育对防止儿童情感性障碍的发生具有重要意义。【关键词】 儿童;情感性障碍;胎次;病因学
Study on relationship between birth order effect and risk of child affective disorder
Wang Renchang,Liu Xiying,Huang Guoping
(Department of Psychiatry, the Minkang Hospital of Dazhou City, Dazhou 63500, Shichuan,. China)
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the relationship between birth order effect and the risk of child affective disorder. Methods Such history data of 47 children with affective disorder as birth order, maternal conditions of pregnancy, birth date, parent ages at birthday and family history of psychoses were studied by Haldane and Smith procedures and compared with uninvolved sibs.Results Birth orders were significantly related to the risk of child affective disorder (P<0.01). Conclusion The higher the birth order, the more vulnerable to child affective disorder. The finding suggests that raising healthier and bettereducated children plays an important role in preventing child affective disorder. ......
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