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http://www.100md.com 《实用医技杂志》 2006年第9期
     [摘 要] 保障血液质量是血站的根本所在,如何确保血液质量,这就要求血站应从内部管理、血液质量信息管理、采供血环节等几个方面出发,努力做好这些方面的各项工作,严格把好质量关,最终确保血液质量安全。

    [关键词] 血液质量;内部管理;质量信息管理;采供血环节

    How Insure Blood Quantity in Adopt to Provide the Blood Organization

    HUANG Chuanying

    (Linyi Center Blood Station, Linyi, Shandong 276002, China)

    Abstrct:Guaranteeing the blood quantity is basic place that stand of blood,and how to insure the blood quantity,and this will beg the blood to stand and should manage from the inner part,blood quantity information management,adopt to provide the blood link to wait a few aspects to set out,work hard to do various works of these aspects,and strictly close the good quantity,most the insure the blood quantity the safety.

    Key words:Blood quantity;The inner part manages;The quantity information manages to adopt to provide the blood link

    自从《中华人民共和国献血法》颁布实施后,特别是各种针对医疗机构的相关法律法规不断得到完善,对血液质量的安全与血站的质量管理工作,提出了更新更高的要求。近年来随着人们法律知识的增加,全民道德水平的提高,以及人们健康意识的加强,由输血后引起的传染病法律诉讼或由此引起的社会问题越来越多 ......

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