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http://www.100md.com 《东南国防医药》 2004年第2期
     [摘 要] 目的 调查军人家属及女兵的下尿路症状发病情况。方法 在某部及其下属的3个团的家属及部分女兵进行体检的同时进行问卷调查。采用布里斯托女性下尿路症状调查问卷,问卷由被调查者独立填写,个别不能独立完成问卷的被调查者,由调查员对其进行解释,再由其完成。结果 91人完整回答了问卷,其中尿频、尿急、膀胱疼痛、夜尿、压力性尿失禁、排尿时需要用力、排尿延迟、排尿中断、排尿力量发生变化和感觉总是不能完全排空膀胱的患病率分别是:9.9%、58.2%、37.4%、24.2%、34.1%、22%、28.6%、31.9%、16.5%和53.8%。夜尿对生活质量影响最大。结论 军人家属及部分女兵中下尿路症状很常见,48岁以上家属基本都存在这种或那种下尿路症状。

    [关键词] 军人家属;女兵;尿路症状;调查

    The investigation and prevention of lower urinary tract symptoms in soldiers' wives and girl soldiers

    SONG Yanfeng, LI Yaqin,HE XiaoyuDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA,Fuzhou 350025

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate and analysis the incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms in soldiers' wives and girl soldiers. Methods We took a health examination to the soldiers' wives and girl soldiers At the same time they were asked to fill out the lower urinary tract symptoms questionnaire, which were provided by Bristol FLUTS Study Group.Results Ninty one women filled out the questionnaires completely. The incidence of urinary frequency ......

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