[摘 要] 目的:评价IP板在乳腺摄影的临床应用价值。方法:运用CR系统中8×10英寸IP板内芯,替代芬兰“索菲”(Sophie)乳腺机的专用暗盒。经计算机处理成像图像与传统X线成像图像质量比较。结果:计算机处理成像像质优于传统屏\胶方法,并有统计学意义。结论:拥有计算机X线摄影(CR)系统的医院,可以利用现有乳腺钼靶设备,开展乳腺数字化成像。[关键词] 乳腺摄影;数字化成像;像质
IP Board Application in Xray Mammography
ZHANG Guoling1,LI Wenfeng1,SU busha1,et al
(1.The First Affiliated Hospital,Shihezi University,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832000,China;2.Baijiantan Hospital of Kelamayi,Kalamayi,Xingjiang 834000, China)
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the clinical application value of IP board in mammography.Methods The core of the 8×10 inch IP board of CR system substitute cassette of finland “sophie”.The image quality of normal intensifying screenfilm combination was compared with computerized mammography.Results Computerized mammography excels normal intensifying screenfilm in mammography,which have the remarkable sense of statistics.Conclusion The hospital equipped with CR can take advantage of the existing equipment of molybdenum and palladium in mammography to develop digital imaging in mammography. ......
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