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http://www.100md.com 《东南国防医药》 2005年第3期
     [摘要]目的探讨彩色多普勒血流显像(color Doppler folw imaging,CDFI)对附睾炎性结节的诊断价值。方法对126例附睾结节行CDFI检测,重点观察睾丸、附睾、精索的内部结构,测量附睾头、体和尾的厚度及宽度,描述附睾结节的大小、形态、回声及彩色血流分布状况,并检测其阻力指数(RI)。结果附睾头、体和尾部发生率分别为9.5%、14.3%和76.2%;病灶内80.2%为低回声改变,86.5%呈多血管分布;RI与正常组有重叠现象。病理证实非特异性炎症占71.3%,附睾结核仅为12.9%。结论CDFI具有形态学和血流动力学多参数检测功能,准确性高,对性腺组织无损伤,操作方便,价格合理,是目前医学影像系列中诊断附睾炎性结节的最佳检测手段。


    The diagnostic value of the color Doppler flow imaging for the inflammatory mass in epididymides

    XU Weidong,LIU Mu,LUAN Zhiyong,et al.

    The 97th hospital of PLA,Xuzhou 221004, jiangsu, China

    [Abstract]ObjectiveTo study the diagnostic value of the color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI) for the inflammatory mass in epididymides. MethodsThe inflammatory mass of the epididymides in 126 patients were examined with CDFI. The observation centred on the constructive changes of teste ,epididymides and spermatic cords. The thicknesses and widths of the head,boby and cauda of epididymides were comparatively measured with opposite side. The sizes ......

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