【摘要】 目的 探讨不同发病年龄精神分裂症患者的临床特征。 方法 将276例精神分裂症患者分为早发组(年龄<25a)172例和晚发组(年龄≥25a)104例;采用自编项目调查表对入组患者的临床资料进行回顾性调查分析。结果 早发组家族史、城乡及第1胎次均与晚发组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。早发组思维贫乏、情感淡漠及行为紊乱较晚发组多见;晚发组幻听及其他妄想较早发组多见。 结论 不同发病年龄的精神分裂症患者存在遗传与临床特征方面的差异。【关键词】 发病年龄;精神分裂症;临床特征
Analyses on clinical features of schizophrenics with different onset ages.
Jie Rui, Wang Gangping ,Zhang Yonglu, et al
(Tianshui metal hospital , 741000,Gansu,China)
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical features of schizophrenics with different onset ages. Methods 276 schizophrenics were divided into early(aged <25 years, n=172) and late(aged ≥25 years, n=104) onset groups; clinical data were retrospectively analyzed with selfmade questionnaire. Results There were significant differences in familial history, city or village and the 1st birth order between the early and late onset group (P<0.05).The poverty of thought ,apathy and behavior disorder were obviously commoner in the early than in the late group (P<0.01).Auditory hallucination and other delusion were obviously commoner in the late than in the early group(P<0.05). Conclusion There are differences in heredity and clinical features of schizophrenics with different onset ages. ......
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