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http://www.100md.com 《中国普通现代外科进展》 2006年第4期


    Aortic aneurysm exclusion by endovascular stentgrafts for octogenarian patients:report of 13 cases

    CHEN Quan,JING Zaiping,BAO Junmin,ZHAO Zhiqing,FENG Xiang,LU Qingsheng

    Department of Vascular Surgery,Changhai Hospital,Second Military Medical University(Shanghai 200433,China)

    【ABSTRACT】Objective:The aim of this study is to review operative results in octogenarian patients with IAAA treated by the use of aortic stentgrafts.Methods:Between the Oct.2001 and Dec 2005,13 octogenarian patients were qualified to endovascular operations(of the average age of 82.7)in general anesthesia.In all the patients angiography was performed right after the operation to estimate the efficacy of treatment.Results:The hospitalization lasted 28.6 days on average.There were no endoleak in all patients.The mobidity and mortality is 48.2% and 7.7% respectively.Conclusion:Endovascular exclusive operation is a more appropriate way for octogenarian patients,but the patients should be selected and treated very carefully. ......

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