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http://www.100md.com 《中国普通现代外科进展》 2006年第2期


    The effect of pericardial devascularization with vagustrunk preservation on portal hypertension gastropathy

    WU Xinggui,ZHANG Qinglin,WANG Guangwei,LI Ying,GU Xiaoguang,LIU Shaofei

    Department of General Surgery,The 152nd Hospital of PLA (Henan 467000,China)

    【ABSTRACT】Objective:To probe the different influence of pericardial devascularization by preserving vagus trunk(VTPPD) and pericardial devascularization (PD) on portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG).Methods:77 patients with portal hypertension were divided into VTPPD and PD group,the VTPPD group included 36 cases,and PD group included 41 cases.Varices of esophagus and fundus of stomach and PHG were observed by gastroscopy before and 3 weeks after operation in all cases,and compared postoperative incidence of PHG in the 2 groups.Results:In all cases,Varices of esophagus and fundus of stomach disappeared or relieved obviously.The incidence of PHG in VTPPD group before operation was 55.6%(20/36),and that after operation was 69.4%(25/36),the former was not higher statistically(P=0.224);the incidence of PHG in PD group before operation was 61.0%(25/41),and that after operation was 87.8%(36/41),the former was not higher than the latter statistically(P=0.005);and the postoperative incidence of PHG in PD group was higher significantly than that in VTPPD group (P=0.048).There were 8(22.2%,8/36)patients whose degree of PHG aggravated in VTPPD group,and there were 19(46.3%,19/41)patients whose degree of PHG aggravated in PD group,the rate of the former was significantly lower than that of the latter(P=0.027).Conclusion:Comparing with the classic portoazygous devascularization,VTPPD can reduce the incidence and the degree of PHG. ......

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