摘 要 简单介绍了自行设计并组装的波长扫描型声光可调滤光片表面等离子体子共振(AOTFSPR)传感器装置。应用此SPR传感器研究了两种头孢菌素类药物与人血清白蛋白的相互作用。采用胺基偶联的方法将HSA固定在传感器表面。通过AOTF快速扫描,记录共振电压的位移,并通过计算得到头孢克洛与人血清白蛋白相互作用的结合常数为1.17×103 L/mol,结合百分率为44.22%;头孢曲松与人血清白蛋白相互作用的结合常数为2.55×102 L/mol,结合百分率为14.79%。结果表明:AOTFSPR传感器装置可用于研究药物与人血清白蛋白的相互作用。关键词 声光可调滤光片,表面等离子体子共振,传感器,头孢克洛,头孢曲松,人血清白蛋白
Study of Interaction of Cephalosporins with Human Serum Albumin by Acoustooptic Tunable FilterSurface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor
Tian Yuan, Chen Yanhua, Bi Shuyun, Liu Xia, Song Daqian , Sun Ying , Zhang Hanqi
(College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130012)
(State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, Hunan Uninversity, Hunan Province, Changsha 410082)
Abstract An acoustooptic tunable filtersurface plasmon resonance (AOTFSPR) biosensor based on wavelengthmodulation was applied to the study of the interaction of cephalosporins with human serum albumin (HSA). HSA was immobilized by a standard amine coupling method. By fast voltage scanning of AOTF, the processes of biosensor′s surface selfassembling and interaction of cephalosporins with human serum albumin were monitored in real time. With a known concentration of the cephalosporins, affinities and binding percentages of the cephalosporins for human serum albumin (HSA) were obtained. For cefaclor, KA is 1.17×103 L/mol and the binding percentages is 44.22%; For ceftriaxone, KA is 2.55×102 L/mol and the binding percentages is 14.79%. The results indicate that AOTFSPR biosensor can be applied to the detection of interaction of drugs with serum albumin. ......
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