摘 要 粘接剂和牙本质之间的相互作用机理,存在机械作用学说和机械化学联合作用学说。本实验运用傅里叶变换拉曼光谱(FTRaman),对粘接剂和牙本质的机械化学联合作用机理进行进一步的研究。两类粘接系统共5种粘接剂,分别作用在牙本质表面,然后选用合适的溶剂对经粘接剂作用后的牙本质进行洗涤和浸泡,以便尽量除去物理吸附在牙本质表面的粘接剂。从残留在牙本质表面上粘接剂的光谱变化,观察粘接剂和牙本质相互作用的程度。运用FTRaman仪记录从未经任何处理的原始牙本质到最后经过洗涤、浸泡后的各个不同阶段的牙本质的光谱。用经过浸泡后牙本质的FTRaman光谱减去原始牙本质的拉曼光谱,得到差减拉曼光谱,并且与原始粘接剂的光谱进行对照,探讨牙本质粘接剂与牙本质表面相互作用机理。实验结果表明:粘接剂与牙本质之间有氢键作用存在。关键词 牙本质粘接剂,牙本质,傅里叶变换拉曼光谱
Study of Interaction Between Adhesive and Dentin by
Fourier TransformRaman Spectrometry
Guo Liangwei, Sun Hongchen, Xu Jingwei, Wang Dongmei , Qin Chuangye, Ouyang Jie
(School of Stomatology,Jilin University, Changchun 130021)
(Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022)
Abstract There are two theories about the interaction between adhesive and dentin. The first is the theory about mechanical interaction, which explains that the bonding between adhesive and dentin is only due to mechanical entanglement. The second thinks the bonding is a combination of mechanical and chemical interaction. In this study, Fourier transformRaman was used further to explore this mechanism. Five different adhesives, which belong to either selfetching or totaletching bonding system, were respectively applied to the surface of five dentin discs. Then these dentin discs were washed by selective solvents and finally these dentin discs were soaked into solvent for 24 h. The purpose of washing and soaking dentin discs is to remove extra adhesive that is adsorbed on dentin surface physically. FTRaman spectra of five dentin discs were recorded from original state to solvent soaked dentin discs at each step. The subtracting spectra were obtained by subtraction of original dentin from solvent soaked dentin. These subtracting spectra were compared with adhesive spectra to explore the interact mechanism between adhesive and dentin. The experimental results indicate that hydrogen bonding exists between dentin and adhesive. ......
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