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http://www.100md.com 金仁顺, 朴东明
幽门螺杆菌;肠上皮化生;假幽门腺化生;颈黏液细胞金仁顺,朴东明.幽门螺杆菌与化生性病变在胃粘膜中的分布. 世界华人消化杂志2006;14(20)2030-2033,幽门螺杆菌与化生性病变在


     金仁顺, 朴东明, 延边大学医院病理科 吉林省延吉市 133000

金仁顺, 133000, 吉林省延吉市局子街119号, 延边大学医院病理科. kimyinsun2004@yahoo.com.cn


2006-01-10 接受日期: 2006-05-26

    Distribution of Helicobacter pylori and metaplastic lesions in gastric mucosa

Ren-Shun Jin, Dong-Ming Piao

    Ren-Shun Jin, Dong-Ming Piao, Department of Pathology, Hospital of Yanbian University , Yanji 133000, Jilin Province, China

    Correspondence to:
Ren-Shun Jin, Department of Pathology, Hospital of Yanbian University, 119 Juzi Road, Yanji 133000, Jilin Province,China. kimyinsun2004@yahoo.com.cn

2006-01-10Accepted: 2006-05-26


To investigate the distribution of Helicobacter pylori and metaplastic lesions as well as their correlations in gastric mucosa.

    METHODS: Whole-mucosal step sectioning were performed using 10 surgically resected stomach specimens (5 cases of gastric or duodenal ulcers, 5 of gastric carcinoma) that histologically showed H pylori infection. Serial paraffin sections were prepared and stained as follows: (1) hematoxylin and eosin staining; (2) immunohistochemical staining for H pylori, and (3) immunohistochemical and alcian blue (AB) double-staining for human gastric mucin (M1). After each section was histologically evaluated, the positively stained areas were plotted on photographic copies showing the stomach specimens.

    RESULTS: The staining properties were as follows: (1)H pylori+; (2) complete intestinal metaplasia (IM); (3) incomplete intestinal metaplasia, and (4) pseudopyloric gland metaplasia (PM) and mucous neck cells. The 10 stomach specimens were then classified into three types: In typeⅠ(H pylori+IM+PM+), the distributions of H pylori and the metaplastic changes, especially PM, overlapped. In types Ⅱ (H pylori+IM-PM-) and Ⅲ(H pylori+IM-PM+), the distributions of H pylori and the metaplastic changes, especially IM, did not overlap ......
