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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2006年第6期
     Key factors of the basiclevel hospitals to reduce medical disputes

    Quanmei Chen,Gang Cai,Yinyan Chen

    Abstract With he rapid development of public health,the increasing consciousness of selfprotection and legal system,there are many disputes in medical work in hospitals.The key countermeasure is to raise the talent of the hospital leaders,strengthen the sense of service,establish perfect rules and regulations,maintain the work ovder in hospital and improve the intellectual attributes of the medical workers.

    Key words basiclevel hospital;prevention;medical disputes

    Dianshuhu Peoples Hospital,Kunshan 215345,China

    Correspondence to:Quanmei Chen,araulz@163.com

     摘要: 随着卫生事业的迅速发展,民众的自我保护意识、法制意识不断增强,医院管理过程中医疗纠纷发生率亦在迅猛增长,基层医院防范的关键在于:提高医院领导素质、强化服务观念、建立健全的规章制度和提高法制意识、维护医院工作秩序、不断提高医务人员的业务素质。

    关键词: 基层医院;防范;医疗纠纷


     1 目前基层医院的医疗纠纷的特点

    医疗纠纷本质的特点是医患双方对医疗后果产生分歧,而分歧的焦点在于不良后果产生的原因,由此可见医疗纠纷具有以下特点:(1)主体为医患双方 ......

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