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http://www.100md.com 《实用医技杂志》 2006年第6期
     [摘 要] 护理学情感教育以专业认知为中介,使学生的情感(尤其是职业情感)与专业理论、技术平行发展,使其形成对护理学科、职业的积极情感和态度,培养良好的职业情感品质。我们在护理学方面的教改目标是:培养学生拥有优良的医德、丰富的情感、全面的社会人文知识。为实现这个目标,近年来进行了护理学情感教育的理论与实践研究。文章重点阐述护理学情感教育实施过程及方法,丰富了护理教学观念和教学方法的变革。

    [关键词] 护理教学;情感教育;护生

    Study Nursing Teaching Practice of Affection Ddacation

    FANG Yushan, XIN Yinghua, YANG Aimei, et al

    (The First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou university Medical College, Shantou, Guangdong 515041, China)

    Abstract: Specialized cognition is the medium for nursing affection education, which can makethe affection(professional affection)、specialized theory、skill of the students develop synchronously. It can give active professional affection quality. Our objective of teaching reformation lies in: train the students to have the good medical moral、plentiful affection、overall social humanistic knowledge. To gain this objective, recent years we study the theory and practice of nursing affection education. The article emphasizes the procedure and method of nursing affection education, which enrich the reformation of teaching concept and method of nursing. ......

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