Comments of establishing economic hospitalShejiao Xu
Abstract The concept of economic hospital is to establish a hospital to gain profit through optimizing resource utilization,cost control and operating efficiency.On the other hand,the economic hospital is to create a comfortable environment for patients,together with reasonable price charge.This will ultimately resolve the difficult problem of “Seeing doctor is unbearable,the bill for seeing doctor is unaffordable” for residence,which will creat great impact on social benefits for the hospital.
Key words establish;economic hospital
Chengzhou Mental Hospital,Chengzhou 423000,China
Correspondence to:Shejiao Xu,zgjcld@163.com
摘要: 建立节约型医院,医院在各种资源消耗方面厉行节约,降低医疗运行成本,获取经济效益。从另一角度来看节约型医院,就是为病人创造优越的就医环境,合理收取病人费用,从根本上解决老百姓“看病难,看病贵”的现实问题,从而为医院创造社会效益。
关键词: 建设;节约型医院
人口众多,资源相对不足,环境承载能力较弱的基本国情,决定了我国必须建设节约型社会。党中央、国务院审时度势,把“大力发展循环经济,努力建设节约型社会”作为我国经济社会长期发展的一个重要指导思想和重大决策 ......
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