[摘 要] 目的:评价电化学发光免疫分析法(ECLIA)和放射免疫分析法(RIA)在测定血清铁蛋白(SF)中的应用。方法:用ECLIA、RIA分别对中浓度SF的标本进行回收试验和抗干扰试验(干扰物为血红蛋白),对低、高浓度SF的标本进行重复试验。结果:平均回收率ECLIA为95.6%、RIA为93.5%,两种方法比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05);变异系数(CV) ECLIA为3.0%、4.3%,RIA为8.5%、9.3%,两种方法比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.05);抗血红蛋白(Hb)干扰能力,当血清中Hb浓度在1.0 g/L~6.0 g/L时,随Hb含量的增加,两种方法测定SF时的干扰都逐渐增加(正干扰),血清中Hb浓度≥4.0 g/L用ECLIA测定SF和血清中Hb浓度>2.0 g/L用RIA测定SF时,其结果的偏差系数(CB)都>5.0%。结论:两种方法测定SF准确性、精密度均符合要求,且ECLIA优于RIA;标本严重溶血时,两种方法的测定结果均偏高。[关键词] 电化学发光免疫分析法;放射免疫分析法;血清铁蛋白
To Assess the Determination of Serum Ferritin In ECLIA and RIA
LI Guicai,CHEN Deping,XIAO Jingkun
(The Xiangdong Hospital Affiliated to the Medical College of Hu'nan Normal University,Liling Hu'nan 412200,China)
Abstract:Objective To explore the significance of the determination of Ferritin in ECLIA and RIA.Methods Using the ECLIA and RIA to do experiment on the sample SF of the middle concentration with the withdraw and antiinterference test respectively(the interference is Hb),and to repeat doing the experiment on the sample SF of the lower or the higher concentration.Results The results showed that the mean withdrawing rate of ECLIA was 95.6% and that of RIA is 93.5% ,which showed no differences when compared (P>0.05).The CV of ECLIA is 3.0% 、4.3% and that of RIA is 8.5%、9.3% ,which showed the certain differences when compared (P<0.05).The Hb level is between 1.0 to 6.0 g/L ,as the concentration of Hb increases,the interference ability is also increased.The CB of the determinated result is more than 5.0% when using ECLIA to determinated SF as the concentration of Hb≥4.0% and using RIA to determinaed SF as the concentration of Hb≥2.0%.Conclusion The two methods of the determination of SF in ECLIA and RIA are precise and accurate,but ECLIA is better than RIA.The determination results are all higher when serious hemolysis occurred. ......
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