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加强检验科全面质量管理 完善信息系统建设
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代临床医学杂志》 2006年第12期
     【摘要】 目的 实现把全实验室质量管理(TLQM)理念融会在临床检验信息管理系统(LIMS)的网络建设改造中,完善临床检验信息管理系统。方法 在医学检验中,全实验室质量管理分为3个阶段,即分析前质量控制、分析中质量控制和分析后质量控制。在临床检验信息管理系统的网络建设、网络改造升级中规范检验流程,确保分析前医生从循证医学的角度选择最合理、最经济的项目检测,并控制护士标本的采集、保存与运送的质量;分析中,完整的质量体系和标准化、规范化管理始终贯穿于检验科的检测中。分析后,实验结果的再分析,再确认,保证合格报告的发出,保证实验结果及时发给临床后,临床医生能合理地分析报告,正确的运用数据,用于诊断和治疗。结果 功能齐全、操作简便、高效管理的临床检验信息管理系统建立 。结论 该系统运行效果良好,更新完善了检验科的管理模式,较好的实现了全实验室质量管理。

    【关键词】 检验;信息系统;管理;质量控制

    To strengthen the total quality management and information management system construction of the laboratory section

    ZHAO Guo-hua.Department of Laboratory,Cancer Hospital,China Union Medical College,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100021,China

    【Abstract】 Objective The overall quantity of the examination section management and the establishment of the system is the key to guarantee the quantity and raise the examination level,which is needed by laboratory management and actual work.Methods Overall quality management of laboratory was divided into 3 parts,that was quality control before,during and after analysis.Examination process was made standard in the construction and uparading of laboratory information management system(LIMS),which ensured the optimal examination was chosed and samples quality control before analysis,perfect quailty control system and standardized management were used throughout the analysis,re-analysis and re-ensurance of the examination results were performed.Results LIMS was constructed with the characteistics of perfect function,easy performing and effective management.Conclusion LIMS rums smoothly and realize the overall quality management successfully. ......

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