摘 要:[目的]在体外成功分离培养骨髓间充质干细胞(hMSCs)和测得理想冲击波(ESW)干预能量的基础上,观察体外冲击波干预后成骨活性因子IGFⅠ和TGFβ1表达,探讨其促进成骨作用。[方法]将5kV、100频次的体外冲击波作用于第1代骨髓间充质干细胞,采用免疫细胞化学法隔代观察(P1P11)胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ(IGFⅠ)和转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)的表达,计数阳性率;并进行统计学分析,设定P<005为有统计学差异。[结果]ESW干预后的第3代细胞IGFⅠ染色,胞浆及胞核中出现大量黄色棕黄色颗粒,对照组无明显着色;第7代干预组IGFⅠ呈强阳性(879%);TGFβ1出现较晚,第9代细胞TGFβ1阳性率为722%,随后开始下降;与对照组差异显著(P<001)。[结论]ESW干预能够提高hMSCs增殖活性,IGFⅠ和TGFβ1等的不同时期和不同程度表达是体外冲击波促进hMSCs成骨活动的适时信号和有力证据。关键词:体外冲击波;骨髓间充质干细胞;胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ;转化生长因子β1
Expression and signififcance of IGFⅠ TGFβ1 in human mesenchymal stem cells after exposured to extracoporeal shock wave∥WANG Wuzhou,XING Gengyan,YE Qibin,et alDepartment of Orthopedics,General Hospital of the Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces,Beijing 100039,China
Abstract:[Objective]To demonstrate mechanism of ESW in curing osteogetic disorders,we studied expression of some osteogenetic factors in human mesenchymal stem cells(hMSCs)when exposed to ESW[Method]After success in marrow aspiration,isolation and obtainment optimal experimental energy,a dose of 5kV and 100 times of ESW was applied to hMSCs of passage 1The expression of IGFⅠ and TGFβ1 were examined by immunocytochemical staining[Result]The cytochemical staining results showed that expression of IGFⅠ and TGFβ1 appeared at different passage of hMSCs after ESW interventionAppearance of IGFⅠ was earlier than TGFβ1 which didnt express until passage 7At the same interval,the expression of IGFⅠ and TGFβ1 in control group difference is lower than ESW group,respectively(P<001)[Conclusion]ESW of 5kV and 100 times can improve hMSCs proliferation,which is associated with the appearance of osteogenetic factors,such as IGFⅠ and TGFβ1 ......
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