【摘要】 目的 探讨药物流产时不全流产经保守治疗的临床效果。方法 我院208例不全性药物流产患者随机分三组。A组为黄体酮治疗组:肌注黄体酮和口服安宫黄体酮治疗。B组为氨甲喋呤治疗组:肌注MTX或口服MTX治疗。C组期待治疗组:无特殊治疗10~14天后复查尿妊娠试验或血HCG定量。观察三组疗效、成功率。结果 三组治疗成功者 A组为79.07%(68/86),B组为96.82%(61/63),C组为11.86%(7/59)。特别是HCG定量较低者A组B组有效率较高。A组为86.89%(53/61),B组为100%(32/32),C组为18.42%(7/38)。三组间相互比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 药物流产时不全流产病例,在阴道出血不多情况下可以予保守治疗。并且可根据HCG水平,选择合适的保守治疗方法。【关键词】 药物流产;不全流产;保守治疗
Clinical study of conservative treatment of incomplete pharmaceutical abortion
CAI Ren-fei,TU Shuang,LIU Jian-hua.Department of OBGYN,9’th People’s Hospital,Shanghai 200011,China
【Abstract】 Objective To study the effects of conservative treatment of incomplete pharmaceutical abortion.Methods 208 cases of incomplete pharmaceutical abortion in our hospital were divided randomly into two groups.Group A(86 cases) was intramuscularly given progestone or orally medroxyprogesterone.Group B (63 cases)was given methotrexate intramuscularly or orally.To observe the therapeutic effects of two groups.Group C: No specific treatment and test the level of HCG again after 10~14days.Results The successful rate in group A was 79.07%(68/86) and 96.82%(61/63) in group B ......
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