摘要:目的:了解长宁区北新泾社区糖尿病患病情况,探讨影响因素,为进一步制定干预措施提供依据。方法:采取随机整群抽样方法,对长宁区北新泾街道2个居委中20岁以上常住居民进行糖尿病患病的问卷调查和餐后1~3h指尖毛细血管血糖初筛,对该血糖>6.5 mmol/L者检测FPG和(或)OGTT2hPG进一步明确诊断。结果:糖尿病患病率为11.8%,其中男性为11.9%,女性为11.7%。70岁以上是糖尿病高发的年龄阶段,体重指数≥30(重度肥胖)是糖尿病的相关因素,既往高血压史、糖尿病家族史、文化程度与糖尿病密切相关。结论:长宁区北新泾社区居民糖尿病患病率较高,高血压、年龄、遗传因素、肥胖和文化程度与糖尿病发生有关。关键词: 糖尿病; 患病率
Analysis of the Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Beixinjing Community in ChangNing District
BAI Xue-lin, et al
(Beixinjing Community Health Service Center, Shanghai 200335, China)
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Beixinjing community in Changning district. Method: We selected the residents aged more than 20 in 2 blocks in Beixinjing as research subjects with the method of random cluster sampling ,and performed a survey on diabetes mellitus as well as a first exam of 1~3 hour postprandial fingertip capillary bloods glucose. FPG and/or OGTT2hPG were done in those with result greater than 6.5 mmol/l for definite diagnose. Result: The prevalence rate of DM was 11.8%, among which male was 11.9%, femal was 11.7%. Age above 70 was a high-risk facter of DM , BMI above 30 was a correlated facter of DM, Hypertension, age, obesity, inheritance and education were closely correlated with DM. Conclusion: The DM prevalence rate of residents in Beixinjing community of Changning district were much higher than normal. Hypertension, age, obesity, inheritance and education were correlated with the occurrence of DM. ......
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