摘要:目的:评13C尿素呼气试验对慢性胃炎患者幽门螺杆菌感染的诊断价值。方法:取40例因上腹部症状而行胃镜检查的患者胃窦粘膜活检,分别行Wartin-Stany(WS)银染色、快速尿素酶实验(RUT)、13C尿素呼气试验(13CUBT),并同时行病理组织学诊断;将WS和RUT结果相一致且病理结果为慢性胃炎的病例入选,分析13C尿素呼气试验(13CUBT)诊断慢性胃炎幽门螺杆菌感染的特异性、敏感性、准确性。结果:13C尿素呼气试验(13CUBT)的特异性为:82%;敏感性为:91%;准确性为:87%。结论:13C尿素呼气试验(13CUBT)是一项敏感的、特异的、安全、可靠的非侵入性Hp的检测方法。关键词: 13C尿素呼气试验(13CUBT); 幽门螺杆菌; 染色快速尿素酶实验
Comparison of 13C-urea Breath Test and Histological Diagnosis for Helicobactor Pylori in Chronic Gastritis
FU Yong-chun, ZHANG Lei
(Tiantan Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100050, China)
Abstract: Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of 13C-urea breath test (13CUBT) for Helicobactor pylori (HP) in patients with chronic gastritis. Method: 40 patients presenting gastric symptoms underwent gastric mucosa biopsy while doing gastroscopy. All samples were analyzed by Wartin-Stany dying (WS), rapid urase test (RUT), and 13C-urea breath test respectively as well as by histological examination. The patients with the same results by WS and RUT were regarded as chronic gastritis. In this patient, we analyzed the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of 13CUBT.Result: The specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of 13CUBT for the chronic gastritis were 82%, 91%, and 87% respectively.Conclusion: 13CUBT is a sensitive, specific, safe and reliable invasive method for HP. ......
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