摘要: 目的: 探讨老年人癫痫的病因和临床发作类型及特点。方法: 对1998~2004年我科收治的60岁以上首次癫痫发作患者36例的病因、临床发作类型等进行回顾性分析。结果:病因中以脑血管病最多(72.2 %),其次为脑外伤(8 .3 %)、颅内占位性病变(5.6 %)、脑萎缩(5.6 %)、颅内感染(2.8%)及代谢性疾病 (2.8%)等;临床类型:全面性强直阵挛性发作占44.4 %,部分性继发为强直阵挛性发作占36.1%。结论:脑血管病是老年人癫痫的最常见原因,以全面性强直阵挛性发作及部分性发作多见。确定其病因对治疗有重要意义。关键词:老年人; 癫痫; 病因; 临床类型
Clinical analysis of 36 patients with epilepsy in the old people
Tuerxun·Sabier, TANG XiaoLong, LIU Ping, et al
(Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830054, China)
Abstract: Objective: To study aetiological factors, clinical features, seizure types and the investigation findings of the Epilepsy (EP) in the old people. Methods: To review the Characteristics of the Clinical features of the 36 case with Epilepsy in the old people who were hospitalized during the 1998~2004, Literatures concerned with the causes, clinical features, investigation findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and the treatment options of EP were reviewed. Results: The most of the EP in the old people are caused by the cerebrovascular diseases, then the head injury, cerebral tumors, brain atrophy, cerebral inflammatory and metabolic causes. The partial or partial seizure becoming secondarily generalized seizure is the most common type of the EP, then the generalized seizure. Conclusions: EP in old peple are mostly the sympyomatic types,the common causes are the cerebrovascular diseases,most of them showed partial or partial seizure becoming secondarily generalized seizure,determining the causes of the EP is very important to the treatment. ......
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