【摘要】 目的 探讨老年期抑郁障碍患者的临床特征。 方法 对31例老年期抑郁障碍住院患者及31例<60a同期住院的抑郁障碍患者采用"抑郁障碍患者一般项目调查表"进行调查分析。 结果 研究组并发躯体疾病较多(P<0.01或0.05);病前生活事件以躯体疾病为诱因较多(P<0.05);焦虑、食欲下降、自责、昼重夜轻波动表现较对照组更多见,而反应慢/记忆下降较对照组少(P<0.05);抗抑郁药物以SSRI类为主,不良反应发生率较对照组高,但差异无显著性(P>0.05)。 结论 老年期抑郁障碍患者多并发焦虑障碍及躯体疾病,对精神药物耐受性差,药物治疗应从小剂量开始,缓慢增加剂量,确保用药安全,提高治疗依从性及临床疗效。【关键词】 老年;抑郁障碍;临床特征
Controlled analyses of the clinical features of senile patients with depressive disorder
Qiu Yousheng,Duan Weidong,Gao Huan,et al
(Kangning Hospital of Shenzhen, 518020,Guangdong,China )
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical features of senile patients with depressive disorder. Methods Statistic analyses were conducted with the Selfmade General Items Questionnaire of Depression in 31 senile inpatients with depressive disorder and 31 inpatients(<60 years) at the same time. Results Compared with control group, most of the senile patients complicated with somatic diseases(P<0.01 or 0.05); precipitating cause of most patients was somatic diseases(P<0.05); anxiety, anorexia, selfaccusation and fluctuating of severity on daytime and mildness on night were more common, while slow response/hypomnesis fewer(P<0.05); used antidepressants were mainly SSRIs and side effects higher, but difference had no significant(P>0.05). Conclusion Most of senile depressive patients complicate with anxiety and somatic diseases and have poorer tolerance to antipsychotics, so drugtreatment should begin with smalldose, gradually increase, ensure safety and improve compliance and clinical efficacy. ......
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