医院布草洗涤行业欧洲EN 14065标准【概述】
The European Standard EN 14065 for hospital fabric treatment:a summaryJianjun Chaia,Saiyong Chenb,Lei Zhaob
Abstract During the 2003 SARS period and the currently Bird Flu situation,Asia Countries especially China has been suffered seriously.The human racing is now getting more and more threaten from the micro-biology contamination.Under this situation,the areas including Europe,North America and Australia/New Zealand has established their own standard for hospital fabric treatment,by which to control the micro-biology cross contamination during the hospital fabric treating procedure.Among these standards,the European Standard EN 14065 is the most effluence,professional and the best execution result one.However,there is still no national standard on hospital fabric treatment,which leads to a very low hospital fabric washing quality level,especially of controlling the micro-biology cross contamination.According to the above reason,its very practical meaningful to give a introduction on this EN 14065 standard. ......
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