[摘要] 目的 研究中药、经络配合西药治疗视神经萎缩。方法 采用自制研究的中药1、2、3号活血化瘀药剂,口服改善视神经组织的微循环同时配合肝、肾俞药物注射经络调整神经细胞膜活跃性改善其传递介质的通透性。结果 30例(34眼)通过治疗后,由治疗前眼前手动,提高视力3~4行,特别对发病早期的患者效果更加显著。结论 从治疗效果来看,中药三汤剂联合经络注射治疗收到显著效果。[关键词] 经络;中草药;视神经萎缩
Investigation on atrophia nervi optici treated by Chinese crude drug and meridian treatment
WANG Zuoxiang,XU Yiru.The Ninth Peoples Hospital,Shenzhen 518116,China
[Abstract] Objective To study the curative effect on atrophia nervi optici treated by Chinese crude drug and meridian method.Methods Selfmade Chinese crude drug was used combined with meridian injection method and Western medicine for promoting microcirculation by mouth in order to improve activeness of cellula nervosa.Results Acuity of vision of 30 cases(34 eyes)improved from hand movement to 3~4.The curative effect was more conspicuous on earliest patients.Conclusion Chinese crude drug combined with meridian injection method could have a significant effect.
[Key words] meridian;drugs,Chinese herbal;optic atrophy
视神经萎缩是视神经炎及其他疾病引起一种退行性病变 ......
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