【摘要】 目的 探讨检测支气管灌洗液中抗酸杆菌的最佳方法。 方法 对155例痰涂片阴性疑似肺结核患者的支气管灌洗液采用涂片、集菌、改良罗氏培养法及Bactec培养法4种不同的检测方法检测抗酸杆菌。 结果 阳性检出率直接涂片法为2.6%,集菌法为11.6%,改良罗氏培养法为18.1%,Bactec培养法为31.6%;集菌、培养法与直接涂片法抗酸杆菌的阳性检出率比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。 结论 对疑似肺结核患者支气管灌洗液进行抗酸杆菌检测时,最好采用集菌和培养法同时进行,才能为临床诊治提供最有价值的资料。【关键词】 抗酸杆菌;支气管灌洗液;检测方法
Methodological studies on detecting acidfast bacilli in bronchial perfusate
Cui Xiuqin
(Clinical Laboratory, The First People's Hospital of Xinxiang, 453000)
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the best method of detecting acidfast bacilli in bronchial perfusate. Methods Acidfast bacilli in bronchial perfusate of 155 smearnegative patients with borderline pulmonary tuberculosis were detected with 4 different methods as smear technique ......
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