[摘要] 目的 探讨可调节式后房型人工晶体植入术后的临床疗效及调节效果。方法 将11例(16眼)单纯性白内障用超声乳化摘除并植入1CU可调节后房型人工晶体作为研究组,同时随机选取同期植入SN60AT后房型人工晶体10例(13眼)作为对照组。手术后随访3个月以上,主要观察远视力、最佳矫正远视力;35cm近视力、最佳矫正近视力;前房深度的变化及调节力的测定(分别用主观法和客观法)。结果 1CU可调节后房型人工晶体具有很好的组织耐受性,在囊袋中稳定,居中性好。研究组与对照组裸眼远视力分别为0.87±0.22和0.6±0.23,差异有显著性(t=3.068,P<0.05);最佳矫正远视力分别为0.99±0.25和0.89±0.1,差异无显著性(t=0.714,P>0.05)。35cm近视力分别为0.63±0.16和0.38±0.24,差异有显著性(t=2.717,P<0.05);最佳矫正近视力分别为0.99±0.25和0.86±0.14,差异有显著性(t=2.553,P<0.05)。两组调节幅度主观法(D)分别为3.65±0.91和4.37±1.52,差异无显著性(t=-1.787,P>0.05);客观法(D)分别为0.88±0.22和0.27±0.08,差异有非常显著性(t=-5.596,P<0.001)。在用2%毛果芸香碱后前房深度变浅(mm)分别为0.90±0.23和0.34±0.26,差异有非常显著性(t=4,P<0.001)。结论 这种可调式后房型人工晶体早期观察的结果具有良好的术后视功能,比普通的人工晶体具有更大的调节范围,但仍需要观察随着手术后的时间延长其屈光状态和调节能力的变异性及稳定性情况。[关键词] 超声乳化;晶状体,人工;前房深度;调节力;1CU
Clinical effects of an accommodative PC-IOL after implantation
LIU Xinquan, GUO Minghua, YANG Qiuju,et al. Eye Institute of Yangpu, Shanghai 200093, China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the clinical effectiveness and accommodative range after implanting the 1CU accommodative PC-IOL (1CU).Methods 11 cases (16 eyes) had phacoemulsification and implantation of 1CU (HumanOptics). The other agematched 10 cases (13eyes) were implanted with conventional IOLs (SN60AT) as the control group. Naked and best corrected distant acuity,naked and best corrected near acuity at 35cm were determined and the change in the anterior chamber depth measured after 3 months and amplitude of accommodation was measured with subjective and objective techniques.Results The 1CU accommodative PC-IOLs after implantation had good centered and stable and no IOL-specific complications. Naked distant acuity of the eyes with 1CU and with SN60AT were 0.87±0.22 and 0.6±0.23 respectively between which there was significantly statistical differences (t=3.068,P<0.05). The best corrected distant acuity of both groups was 0.99±0.25 and 0.89±0.1 respectively between which no statistically significant(t=0.714,P>0.05).The near acuity at 35cm was 0.63 0.16 and 0.38±0.25 between which there was significantly statistical different (t=2.717,P<0.05). The best corrected near acuity was 0.99±0.25 and 0.86±0.14 between which there was significantly statistical differences. The accommodative range was 3.65±0.91 and 4.37±1.52 between which there was no statistical significant (t=1.787,P>0.05). The diopter measured by objective techniques was 0.88±0.22 and 0.28±0.08 respectively, there was significantly statistical difference. Decrease of anterior chamber depth after topical application of 2% pilocarpine eyedrops,when the depth was 0.90±0.23 and 0.34±0.26 respectively between which there was significantly statistical difference (t=4,P<0.001).Conclusion In the present study, the 1CU accommodative PC-IOL showed that the eyes with 1CU had good visual acuity and increased accommodative range more than the control group with conventional IOLs. Further research is necessary to observe the changes of refraction of 1CU with the time longer after operation. ......
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