《e Natural Health Center》
Heat Clearing Herbs to Clear Heat and Toxics
Radix Patriniae Heterophyllae
The root of Patrinia Heterophylla Bunge or Patrinia scabra Bunge, a perennial herb, of the Valerianaceae family. Native to east Asia, it is grown in sunny hills and low elevations in mountains all over Japan and China.
In China, the plant is produced mainly in the provinces of Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Guangxi, etc. Reaped in autumn, the stems and seedlings are removed from the root, then the root is dried in the sun for use.
Pungent and bitter in flavor, slightly cold in nature.
Its functions are similar to those of patrinia (Herba Patriniae), ie, clears away heat to expel toxic substances, relieves inflammation to promote the discharge of pus and eliminates blood stasis to alleviate pain.
The herb is able to stop bleeding and arrest leukorrhea, so it is often used clinically for the treatment of ailments such as metrorrhagia and metrostaxis and hematochezia, leukorrhea with reddish discharge, etc.
Dosage and Administration:
6-15 g.
Decoct the ingredients for drinking. Use an adequate amount externally.
Cautions on Use:
Reference Materials:
Toxic or Side Effects:
Modern Researches:, 百拇医药